&narrative&gustative is exploring the tensions between what is told and what is tasted
What are the tensions between narrative and gustative moments, experiences and explorations? the tensions between what is told and what is tasted? the tensions between what is intended and what is impacted?
More than the what here, we are looking at the why of the how of the what.

What is told and what is tasted. Ce qui est raconté et ce qui se déguste.
tour_de_table exploring the tensions between what is told and what is tasted
The &narrative&gustative series offers a “tour de table” of topics and themes reflecting on the air of time, on the air of our times, with players reflecting on their practice: What is …? How is it …? Why is this …?
The tour de table is gathering a multiplicity of perspectives, and hence allows to try to grip the contradictory constraints we have to cope with. Monoculture has de facto dried the contextual richness of things we are supposed to deal with. Fascinating movements of polyculture are emerging in numerous places. Let’s make these visible, audible and readable.
Should you want to join the tour de table, or think of someone to be in these conversations, ping us here.