Pecha Kucha – {creativity*conversation}

The Pecha Kucha Brussels premiere was a real-life “experience” about {creativity*conversation}, and did attract the audience – venue was full full full. Thanks to you all for being there, the speakers did a great job, thanks to the partners for the in-kind support (see partners tab on the top of the page here) and Namahn for the seeding. Duvel and Cafe Belga allowed the conversations to flow. Great.

Some are already talking about this event, like:

Some images are on flickr.

Thanks and do let us know your feedback, as well as links to sites about this (blogs, flickr, …).

Should you wanna be a Pecha Kucha speaker, or support the evenings to come, contact Alok Nandi via the form on Architempo.

Speakers of Pecha Kucha Brussels Vol.01 were:
Bud Blumenthal – choreographer & dancer
Thierry Brunfaut & Dimitri Jeurissen – BaseDesign
Aureia Harvey & Michael Samyn – Tale of Tales
Jan Kriekels – Jaga Radiator Factory
Giovanna Massoni – independent curator “Table Talks”
Francis Metzger – Ma² / Metzger et Associés Architecture
François Pachet – CSL Sony Lab Paris
Paolo Pellizzari – photographer
Peter Scholliers – historian on everyday life and food
Diane Steverlynck – designer

The others could not make it for health, family or personal reason. More soon. Stay tuned.

3 Comments on “Pecha Kucha – {creativity*conversation}

  1. Thank you for a great night,
    10 speakers was more then enough, this 20*20 concept is a fantastic rush. A great way to get a brief introduction into the very specific worlds of the speakers.

    Maybe there could be a small leaflet being handed out at the begining of the evening,
    like this it is easier to contextualise the person speaking and to be able to reconstruct the evening at the end of the ride.

    Will be there in january!

  2. Thanks for this.
    Yes, the leaflet is something we had in plan and time has taken us.
    It is on the to do list.
    See you on next PK vol.02
    Alok NANDI