10th Night in Brussels at Bozar

the line-up is on-line for the 10th Pecha Kucha Night in Brussels
see pechakucha.architempo.net and do register as it is running

The list of speakers foreseen for Pecha Kucha Night Brussels Vol. 10 are:

_ gRig – the Guild for Reality Integrators & Generators
_ Bud Blumenthal, dancersproject
_ Frank Boermeester, The Fifth Conference
_ Stephan de Brabandere & Paolo Pelizzari, Extrattitude, The attitude of people who change the world for a cause
_ Valérie Cordy, metteure en scène, SpamDigest
_ Bernard Deprez & Sebastian Moreno-Vacca, PMP, LaCambre, Be.passive
_ Christophe Emma, café numérique at Mirano
_ Ana Faria, Education Audiovisual and Culture, European Commission
_ Serge de Gheldere, sustainable design engineer, Al Gore “climate ambassador”
_ Margarida Guia & Sylvie Mélis, poésie, sons, lumières, scratch, …
_ Walter Hus, composer, musician
_ Gerhard Jaeger, ART basics, www.abc-web.be
_ Bernard Lahousse, Sense for Taste, foodpairing
_ Caroline Nevejan, Presence / Trust, Amsterdam
_ Marc Noppen, CEO UZ VUB Brussel, Univ. Hospital
_ Stefan Remes, photographer
_ Pieter Vermeersch & Kurt Van Belleghem – artist & curator
and expect some more surprise and other stuff !

and part of the programme of Post-Flux post-flux.architempo.net